How to make a good luck charm to school affects adolescents and students. Some of the children to study is easy, do not need to make special efforts for the fixation of the material. These children's grades are excellent and good features. On them and said — lucky. And someone needs to cram it all day, and all the material before it is absorbed. As disciples of the master called desperately and waving at their hand. Normal assessment of such a child is not above in a satisfactory manner, which is very disappointing.

In aid of children and adolescents, it is possible to make an amulet for the school, which will help to increase mental activity, improve memory, help you believe in yourself. The teachers will observe the child with other eyes, and luck will always be accompanied by him.
The mascot for the school
To attract luck learning, it is possible to buy an amulet or talisman, and then speak. But better one thing to do with your own hands. The amulet, made with their own hands, will initially be connected with the energy of his master. The more this amulet is quite simple to do.
For the production of amulet for luck and help the school, it is possible to use these materials:
- roots and branches of different trees;
- favorite articles in the form of key rings, coins, small toys;
- the mascot can serve a variety of stones or objects made of leather or even cardboard.
If you have decided to make an amulet of stone or of branches of trees, you should choose the suitable stone vigorously, making use of a horoscope. For each zodiac sign has its own stones, which have a beneficial effect on a person. The trees also have a certain charge for a single sign of the zodiac, so the choice of these things there is need to come up with all the responsibility.
Mascot for a good school you can buy in a store of esotericism. Can be of various wood products with special characters. You can buy a child ancient coin or the suspension, that he had a crush. This type of gift can help his strong energy, not only in school, but in life, protecting your child from bad words or impure of an eye.
A good luck charm of cardboard
A mascot for good luck in school, you can make out of cardboard. For this cardboard, it is necessary to draw a tiny sapling. The crown of this tree, do the branches of those trees, which are suitable for the horoscope. The wood around the perimeter crustulum a thread of red wool, and in the end closed the three of burl and interrupt.

The fact the mascot will need to put in a special pouch of cotton or cotton. The envelope has to be sewn in the superior way, it was possible to pull out the wire or rope, luckily it evaporated.
Mascot good luck for the examination is made of the branches of the apple tree, elm, and pine. Small twigs of the trees add up hidden in a bag and put on a book or a notebook with extracts of night. On the morning of the pouch worn round the neck or put in his pocket, and he has not seen anyone. Sprigs of data trees contribute to:
- improve memory;
- improve mental and intellectual opportunities;
- to give confidence in themselves;
- to help you to deal with enthusiasm.
Bag good luck
Mascot for a good school or passing an exam can be done only in a bag. In the envelope put a note with the subject, which are not very good grades, or be the control or the exam. Bag of luck has to be stitched into the fabric of yellow color.
In it, other than the notes, it is desirable to put the root, lucky plants, calamus, or walnut, hazelnut, to make it a destination of wisdom and prudence. Not bad, and a sprig of rosemary, which improves the brain activity and gives me confidence.
But we must not forget that any amulet is active concerning the knowledge. And if they have not been taught, to step up and be void. All the magic helps to open the hidden reserves of a person. But if you rely only on an amulet, no haunted stone, or did the amulet will not help you.
You can make an amulet in the shape of amulets. Sew his need with the hands in leather or fabric natural. Amulet full of herbs, which are suitable for a man of the horoscope. You can begin the prayer request on the amulet for he understood his fate and he helped his master. Wear a mascot need a rope around the neck. The same bag can embroider designs or embossed, for you it has been a pleasure to wear and as a decoration, and others were not questions.
The strongest amulet is considered to be one in which a major symbol runic. This can be as a stone, and the product of wood, or sewn manually. Applied a rune mark in the heart of the mascot, to focus the energy within. In this place you will.

Wear this amulet problem in the neck or close to the body. After the amulet is to be achieved, it is necessary to charge the battery. For this you need to whisper to him the words-required to direct the action of the mascot in the right direction. Do it preferably in a full moon, when a higher power are more to find in the position to the people.
Amulet to study
An amulet for a good school can do for your baby, parents. For the success of the study it is possible to buy jewel special, suitable for the child in a horoscope. Put it in a cloth bag. The bag is desirable to embroider runes, with the request to the supreme of the forces help to study and to give confidence in themselves.
The child can make the keeper of the envy of peers and bad thoughts. This amulet is made of leather or red fabric. Also talismans and lucky charms at school, you can make a bracelet or amulet at the neck. On the cuff, embroidered beads, or colorful threads of models, to attract luck and the help of learning for the child. In the amulet harvest herb: valerian, white lily, st. john's wort, thyme.
Tailoring tutor to your child, you put in him his energy, that will protect her and give you confidence.
Help for a good school for the mascot, it is possible to take vending pebble on the road or found in the sea. Usually these findings there are data not only that, they are superior forces for a particular person. And, above all, not to miss a tip.
The trees in the talismans of the signs of the zodiac
- Aries energy corresponds to the lime-tree, fir, pine, and oak. These trees are powerful energy assistants. Taking him a twig from a tree like that and making a mascot, you can be assured that things will be improving, and the study of it will soon be well.
- The calves that are energetically suitable for poplar, but it is better to take a walnut or chestnut, especially the strong half. The poplar is very insidious tree, can as energy to feed his master, and of the devastation.
- Energy assistants for the twins are the apple, pear, maple. Especially if the sprig for the mascot will be taken towards the autumn, when the trees fructus and seize the power of the sun and of the earth.
- Cancers match alder and willow. These trees can help the people, born to the sign of cancer regain confidence in themselves, develop the intelligence and mental capacity.
- Lions match the elm and the oak. Talismans of the bark or the branches of these trees will be attributed to its owner's forces, and conquer new heights.
- Born under the sign of the virgin, the best energy assistants serve alder, plum and hazelnut.
- The balance can take branches for his amulet only from birch and linden. Only the data of trees will help to flourish the full potential of the child, to give him mental strength, will help the school.
- For scorpions, the best energy service companies, are the sorbus, rosa canina, pine, and chestnut. Take sprigs for the mascot is recommended in the early spring before swelling of the kidney.
- Sagittarius the form of cedar and hornbeam, which help the owner of the mascot of the data trees to keep the spirit and moral satisfaction.
- Capricorn the form of birch and fir. Amulets of these trees help to improve the memory, it will be easier to digest the material in class and at home.
- For the aquarium, the best plants to produce energy in the wood is a poplar.
- For fish it is better to kalina, honeysuckle, larch, tees.

Birthstones for the signs of the zodiac
- Aries the most suitable rhinestone, ruby, zircon diamond.
- The calves correspond to these stones, such as agate, turquoise, bull's-eye. Very good energy feed on malachite, opal, emerald, selenite.
- The twins are suitable agate, carnelian, tiger's eye, rodon, cat's eye, beryl.
- Cancers can get the charge of energy from aquamarine, pearls, moonstone, ruby and available of chrysoberyl.
- Lions large stones, rhinestones, fish san pietro, tourmaline, garnet, peridot and citrine.
- Virgins very recommend to wear charms with agate, garnet, rock crystal, jade.
- Weights help aquamarine, rodon, tourmaline, malachite, jade, rhodochrosite.
- Scorpio energy suitable alexandrite, turquoise, malachite, garnet, moon stone, topaz, beryl, and rhodochrosite.
- For the sagittarius energy production plants assistant are turquoise, garnet, ruby, sapphire, sodalite, topaz, and tourmaline.
- Those born under the zodiac sign of capricorn, receive the charging energy from malachite, tourmaline, pomegranate.
- The aquarium will be the most suitable aquamarine, garnet, zircon, amber, eye of the hawk.
- The fish are recommended for aquamarine, pearl, coral, opal, moonstone, peridot.
Stones for study load in a particular way. In the growing moon put a stone on a pile of books and left it on the window sill. When you are higher forces give special stone, energy power, which will always be near you and food, through the stone. All this said with your own words, without any special spells is not necessary. Important it is strongly to believe that this amulet will bring luck and will help you learn.